الرئيسة \  من الصحافة العالمية  \  المتابعة الإعلامية للصحف الغربية 12-8-2013

المتابعة الإعلامية للصحف الغربية 12-8-2013


إعداد : قسم الترجمة في مركز الشرق العربي
The independent
Revealed: What the West has given Syria's rebels
كشف : ماذا أعطى الغرب للثوار في سورية
The holy month of Ramadan is over and both sides in Syria’s civil war are preparing for a new round of attrition. Now, documents obtained by The Independent and extensive talks on the ground have revealed the level of equipment sent by the West to Syria’s rebels – divided between the Islamists and more moderate factions – to equip them for the fight.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the telegraph
Syrian rebels accused of sectarian murders

الثوار السوريون متهمون بجرائم القتل الطائفي

Syrian rebels have pushed deep into the coastal Alawite stronghold for the first time, seizing a string of villages in a campaign which, locals have warned, threatens to open the area up to full-blown sectarian war.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي-
the washingtonpost
Head of Western-backed Syrian opposition’s military wing visits fighters in coastal province
رئيس الجناح العسكري المعارض المدعوم من الغرب يزور الثوار في منطقة ساحلية
BEIRUT — The head of the military wing of the main Western-backed Syrian opposition group has visited rebels in an embattled coastal province that is a stronghold of President Bashar Assad’s Alawite sect.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي