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المتابعة الإعلامية للصحف الغربية 14-4-2014


إعداد : قسم الترجمة في مركز الشرق العربي

the washingtonpost

Hezbollah-owned TV channel says 3 of its journalists killed in attack in Christian Syria town

قناة لحزب الله تقول 3 من صحفييها قتلوا في الهجوم الذي وقع في بلدة مسيحية سورية
BEIRUT — Hezbollah-owned TV channel says 3 of its journalists killed in attack in Christian Syria town.Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

International business times

Syria's War Economy: How it Works and Who Makes Money

الحرب الأقتصادية السورية : من يعمل و من يصنع المال
When the international media first entered the Yarmouk camp near Damascus in February, the residents' stories of suffering appalled the world. Many were malnourished and exhausted, barely surviving a siege that had lasted for months.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي
The washingtonpost

The moral depravity of our Syria policy

الفساد الأخلاقي لسياستنا السورية
Samantha Power, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, appeared on ABC’s “This Week” to talk primarily about Ukraine. At the end of the interview, host George Stephanopoulos got a chance to ask her about Syria. This was the exchange:
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

The new york times

U.N. Rights Chief Condemns ‘Rampant’ Torture in Syria

رئيس الأمم المتحدة يدين تفشي التعذيب في سورية
GENEVA — The United Nations human rights chief Navi Pillay condemned the “rampant” and “routine” use of torture by the Syrian authorities, in a paper released by her office on Monday, which also records torture by some armed opposition groups and serious allegations of torture and ill-treatment of children.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي


Syria rebels driven from Christian town of Maaloula

الثوار السوريون طردوا من معلولا البلدة المسيحية
Army units had "restored security and stability" after eliminating a number of "terrorists", a military source told the state-run Sana news agency.The nearby village of Sarkha had also been retaken, the source added.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

The telegraph

New UN report describes horrific and systematic torture of Syrian victims

تقرير جديد للأمم المتحدة يصف منهجية التعذيب المروعة للضحايا السوريين
The United Nations commissioner for Human Rights on Monday condemned the "routine" use of torture in Syrian detention facilities, as a new report describes how victims were raped, beaten and had their teeth and toenails pulled out.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

trib today

Syrian forces take 3 villages near Lebanese border

القوات السورية تأخذ 3 قرى بالقرب من الحدود اللبنانية
MAALOULA, Syria (AP) — Syrian government troops seized at least three border communities, including an ancient Christian hamlet, north of Damascus on Monday, state media and activists said, in a dramatic one-day sweep that suggests rebel strongholds along the Lebanese frontier are near total collapse.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي