الرئيسة \  من الصحافة العالمية  \  المتابعة الإعلامية للصحف الغربية 20-4-2013

المتابعة الإعلامية للصحف الغربية 20-4-2013


إعداد : قسم الترجمة في مركز الشرق العربي
 The telegraph
Syrian rebels told by West to unify and reject extremism
الثوار السوريون يخبرون الغرب بأنهم متحدون ويرفضون التطرف
Foreign ministers of nations backing the Syrian opposition, including William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, and John Kerry, the US secretary of state, met opposition leaders in Istanbul to thrash out a major new aid package.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي
the guardian
US prepares $130m military aid package for Syrian rebels
الولايات المتحدة تعد 130 مليون دولار من المساعدات العسكرية للثوار السوريين
The US readied a package Saturday of up to $130m in non-lethal military aid to Syrian opposition forces while European countries consider easing an arms embargo, moves that could further pressure the government of President Bashar al-Assad.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the washingtonpost

U.S. pledges to double nonlethal aid to Syrian rebels as opposition backers reach consensus

الولايات المتحدة تتعهد بمضاعفة المساعدات غير القاتلة للثوار السوريين وانصار المعارضة للتوصل إلى حل

ISTANBUL — The Obama administration pledged early Sunday to double its nonlethal assistance to the Syrian opposition, to $250 million, after a marathon negotiating session here in which all major international backers pledged to keep their aid to the rebels out of extremist hands.


اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the washingtonpost

US providing Syrian rebels $123 million in new nonlethal aid, may include armor

الولايات المتحدة تقدم للثوار السوريين 123 مليون دولار كمساعدات جديدة غير قاتلة ربما احتوت على دروع للمعارك

ISTANBUL — The United States is providing Syrian rebels with $123 million in new nonlethal aid that may include body armor and other types of supplies that haven’t been part of the assistance package in the past.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the washingtonpost

Increase in US military equipment coming as Europe eyes new pressure on Syrian president

زيادة المعدات العسكرية الأمريكية القادمة من أوربا تشكل  ضغط جديد على الرئيس السوري

WASHINGTON — The United States is poised to significantly expand its non-lethal military aid to the Syrian opposition as European nations weigh easing an arms embargo to potentially supply the rebels with arms and increase pressure on President Bashar Assad to step down.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي
The washingtonpost
Syrian Foreign Minister calls on rebels to drop arms and change Syria through dialogue
BEIRUT — Syria’s foreign minister has invited the country’s rebels to lay down their weapons and take part in a dialogue conference, saying everyone who participates will be included in a new Cabinet with wide executive powers.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي


U.S. providing Syrian rebels $123M more in aid

الولايات المتحدة تقدم 123 مليون دولار على شكل مساعدات
ISTANBUL The United States is providing Syrian rebels with $123 million in new nonlethal aid that may include armor and other types of supplies that haven't been part of the assistance package in the past.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the wall street journal

Syria Opposition Seeks Airstrikes Against Military
المعارضة السورية تسعى لقصف الجيش
ISTANBUL—Syria's main opposition coalition called Saturday for strategic airstrikes against the country's military and a no-fly zone over rebel-held territory in northern Syria, seeking to build momentum for military aid after reports that the embattled regime in Damascus may have used chemical weapons.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي
Journalists die amid Syrian clashes
Two journalists covering the war in Syria have died in two regions long engulfed in battle.A longtime globe-trotting war reporter and "battlefield junkie" who once had been a mercenary fighter in Africa has been killed in the conflict-ravaged city of Aleppo, the French presidential palace confirmed Friday.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي
'Innocence' survives 11 hours under bomb rubble in Syria
(CNN) -- "Innocence" lay for 11 hours in the rubble of a building flattened by an aerial bombing Saturday until neighbors dug her out alive.
"What's your name?" a medic asked the teenager while sitting her up straight on the gurney of an underground rebel hospital. It was a miracle that she suffered only some scrapes, bruises, a bloody nose and a broken arm.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي