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المتابعة الإعلامية للصحف الغربية 22-8-2014


إعداد : قسم الترجمة في مركز الشرق العربي


UN: more than 191,000 people killed in Syria with ‘no end in sight’

الأمم المتحدة : أكثر من 191,000 شخص قتلوا في سورية ولا نهاية في الأفق
 22 August 2014 – The number of people killed in Syria is double the number documented a year ago, the United Nations human rights chief today announced, criticizing the international community for its failure to stop the “killers, destroyers and torturers” that have torn the country apart.
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Syria deaths at 191,000: 'It's not a number, it's people'

الوفيات في سورية 191,000 : ليست رقم انهم بشر

The number of people to die in Syria has risen to over 191,000 in three years, but the conflict has "dropped off the international radar", says the United Nations commissioner.
 اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي




Military brass, ex-officials pressure White House to expand ISIS fight to Syria

القادة العسكريون المسؤولون السابقون يضغطون على البيت الأبيض لتوسيع قتال الدولة الإسلامية إلى سورية 

Top U.S. military brass and former administration officials are publicly pressuring the White House to consider taking the fight against the Islamic State into Syria, warning that the terror organization poses an unprecedented threat to the United States. 
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The 13-year-old Belgian boy fighting in Syria

الصبي البلجيكي 13 عاما يقاتل في سورية

A Belgian boy aged just 13 is believed to one of the youngest of the Islamic State’s foreign fighters waging jihad in Syria, an expert on radicalisation has said.
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UK must mend Syria relations to tackle IS threat

المملكة المتحدة يجب أن تصلح العلاقات مع سورية لمواجهة تهديد الدولة الإسلامية

BRITAIN must build bridges with Syrian President Bashar Assad to tackle the threat from Islamic State (IS) extremists, the former head of the Army has said.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي




Here Are Obama's Options In Iraq And Syria
هنا خيارات أوباما في العراق وسورية
WASHINGTON (AP) — At the heart of President Barack Obama's quandary over the Islamic State militants is their haven in Syria.The president may continue helping Iraqi forces try to reverse the group's land grabs in northern Iraq by providing more arms and American military advisers and by using U.S. warplanes to support Iraqi ground operations.
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the guardian

How Syria and Iraq became incubators for Isis and transnational jihad
كيف أصبحت سورية و العراق حاضنة للدولة الإسلامية والجهاد عبر الحدود
Three years ago, the Islamic State (Isis) did not exist; now it controls vast swaths of Syria and Iraq. Showing off its handiwork daily via Twitter and YouTube, Isis has repeatedly demonstrated that it is much more than a transnational terrorist organisation – rather, it is an entity with sophisticated command, control, propaganda and logistical capabilities, and one that has proven its ability to take and hold strategically critical territory at the heart of the Middle East.
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Child soldiers sign of weakened Hizbollah

الجنود الأطفال علامة على ضعف حزب الله

Reports that Hizbollah is sending ever-younger fighters to Syria - some as young as 16 - is a further indication that the Lebanese Shia organisation is becoming drastically stretched as it operates on four fronts.
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Israel sees the West's inaction

إسرائيل ترى تقاعس الغرب
One year ago, in the early hours of August 21 2013, Bashar al-Assad's forces launched rockets containing chemical warheads at two Damascus suburbs, Eastern and Western Ghouta. Nearly 1,500 people – including at least 426 children – died in the two attacks, the most deadly use of chemical weapons since Saddam Hussein gassed the citizens of Halabja in 1988.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي
UK will not work with Assad against Islamic State says Hammond
هاموند : المملكة المتحدة لن تعمل مع الأسد ضد الدولة الإسلامية
 Britain will not work with embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to fight militants from Islamic State (formerly ISIS), the foreign secretary has said.Philip Hammond told the BBC that working with Assad would not be “practical, sensible or helpful”, and just because they may be fighting the same adversary that does not make Assad their ally.
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The Real Winner of America’s War on ISIS: Bashar al-Assad

الفائز الحقيقي من حرب أمريكا على الدولة الإسلامية : هو بشار الأسد

Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made the fairly obvious point yesterday that it will be impossible to deal a definitive blow to ISIS by attacking it on only one side of the increasingly irrelevant Syrian-Iraqi border. Here’s the New York Times:

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