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المتابعة الإعلامية للصحف الغربية 23-6-2013


إعداد : قسم الترجمة في مركز الشرق العربي
The telegraph
Regime or revolution: families torn apart at Syria's front line
النظام أو الثورة : أسر ممزقة في خط الجبهة السورية
The target was a Sunni Muslim man married to a Shia woman, an intermarriage that is more dangerous nowadays. He was also an ammunition supplier to the Free Syrian Army, while his brother was killed serving in the regime’s Popular Committees - a Shabiha, or criminal ghost, in the insulting vernacular of the revolution.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي
The telegraph

Syria 'friends' back aid to rebels

أصدقاء سورية يعودون بمساعدات للثوار

A statement from the Friends of Syria group meeting on Saturday in Qatar agreed “to provide urgently all the necessary materiel and equipment".
The group also condemned "the intervention of Hezbollah militias and fighters from Iran and Iraq", demanding that the foreign forces pull out of Syria immediately. Hezbollah fighters were instrumental in helping President Assad's forces dislodge rebel fighters from the strategic town of Qusair, near the Lebanese border, earlier this month.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the guardian
Friends of Syria will arm rebels for fight against Assad and Hezbollah

أصدقاء سورية سوف يسلحون الثوار ضد الأسد وحزب الله

International opponents of Bashar al-Assad, the president of Syria, agreed on Saturday to give urgent military support to Western-backed rebels, aiming to stem a counter-offensive by Assad's forces and offset the growing power of jihadist fighters.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the guardian
Syrian art smuggled from the midst of civil war to show in London

الفن السوري تم تهريبه من خضم الحرب الأهلية ليظهر في وسط لندن

Amid the worsening bloodshed of the Syrian civil war, getting the work of the country's struggling and oppressed artists seen overseas involves serious personal and financial risk. Fadi Haddad, of refugee support group Mosaic Syria, estimates it has cost almost £30,000 to smuggle out artwork for a new London exhibition that explores the worsening humanitarian crisis.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي


Western, Arab states to step up Syrian rebel support

الدول الغربية والعربية سوف تكثف الدعم للثوار السوريين

(Reuters) - International opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad agreed on Saturday to give urgent military support to Western-backed rebels, aiming to stem a counter-offensive by Assad's forces and offset the growing power of jihadist fighters.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the washingtonpost

Syrian rebels’ backers, meeting in Qatar, agree to send weapons

أنصار الثوار السوريين المجتمعون في قطر يوافقون على إرسال الأسلحة للثوار

DOHA, Qatar — The Syrian opposition’s major international backers agreed here Saturday to provide “urgently all the necessary materiel and equipment” to rebels fighting the government of President Bashar al-Assad
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the washingtonpost

Syrian refugees returning home to fight

لاجئون سوريون يعودون إلى ديارهم للقتال

MAFRAQ, Jordan — The Syrian refugees were a portrait of desperation, clawing their way into packed buses headed to the border. Panicked mothers begged for help, as their wailing toddlers were forced through open windows. Men threw fists at each other, and soldiers in riot gear pushed forward, with truncheons and tear gas, to disperse rock-throwing youth.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the Christian science monitor

Why Hezbollah has openly joined the Syrian fight

لماذا انضم حزب الله علنا للكفاح السوري

Why Hezbollah has openly joined the Syrian fight He is one of two Hezbollah men from the village to die during fierce fighting last month in the strategic Syrian town of Qusayr, which had been in rebel hands for a year before it was overrun on June 5 after a 17-day Hezbollah-led assault.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي