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المتابعة الإعلامية للصحف الغربية 27-5-2014


إعداد : قسم الترجمة في مركز الشرق العربي
The right perspective
Obama Sending Military Advisers To Syria
أوباما يرسل مستشارين عسكريين إلى سورية
U.S. president Barack Obama is sending military advisers to train moderate rebel groups to fight the Assad government and more radical Islamic elements, according to published reports.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

Obama to order training for Syria rebels

أوباما يأمر بتدريب الثوار السوريين
(WALL STREET JOURNAL) WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama is close to authorizing a mission led by the U.S. military to train moderate Syrian rebels to fight the regime of Bashar al-Assad and al Qaeda-linked groups, a move that would expand Washington’s role in the conflict, U.S. officials said.
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Abducted priest slain in Syria?

الكاهن المخطوف مقتول في سورية ؟
Father Paolo Dall’Oglio, the Italian Jesuit missionary who disappeared in Syria last July, has been killed, according to a former rebel militant who says that he was an eyewitness to the slaying.
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Obama’s Choices: Syria and Ukraine

خيارات أوباما : سورية وأوكرانيا

Conservatives have likened him to President Jimmy Carter, who critics tarred as a foreign-policy weakling — and worse. “He makes Carter look like Attila the Hun,” recently groused Andrew Kuchins, director of the Eurasia program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي
Chemical weapons inspectors attacked in Syria
DAMASCUS, Syria -- A convoy of chemical weapons inspectors came under attack Tuesday while traveling to the site of a suspected chlorine gas attack in Syria, but all staff members were safe, the international watchdog agency said.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي
Interest vs. Interests
الفوائد ضد المصالح
Peter Beinart has a very perceptive new essay in the Atlantic arguing for a return to a focus on national interests in foreign-policy debates. He points out that when pundits and politicians weigh in on international issues, they are “rarely asked to reconcile those opinions with the ones they offered on a different crisis the day before.” For instance, what impact with “getting tough” on Russia have on our ability to isolate Iran, or whether punitive sanctions on Iran affect the likelihood of a breakthrough on Syria.
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The Battle for Aleppo

معركة حلب
Aleppo was once Syria's largest city and the country's commercial and industrial hub, until the civil war reached it two years ago. Now the ancient city lies in ruins, 70 percent of its population has fled, and those who remain live under siege. Rebel-held areas are under constant bombardment by barrel bombs—crudely improvised explosive devices that are dropped from government aircraft
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي
the guardian

We left when the bullets were falling like rain' – Syrian refugees' illustrated stories

اللاجئون السوريون يروون قصصهم غادرنا عندما كان الرصاص مثل المطر
 In March, I spent eight days drawing in the refugee camps or "tented settlements" as they are now called in the Bekaa Valley in northern Lebanon. These settlements, medical clinics and schools are supported by Doctors of the World UK, who provide primary healthcare to tens of thousands of Syrian refugees across the country.
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