الرئيسة \  من الصحافة العالمية  \  المتابعة الإعلامية للصحف الغربية 29-8-2013

المتابعة الإعلامية للصحف الغربية 29-8-2013


إعداد : قسم الترجمة في مركز الشرق العربي
The guardian
Syria debate: Labour demands larger role for UN in any action
النقاش حول سورية : مطالب حزب العمال أكبر من دور الأمم المتحدة في أي عمل
Ed Miliband is intensifying the pressure on David Cameron to make further concessions on Syria after Labour announced that it would press ahead with a commons amendment setting out a "roadmap" for a detailed UN role.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي
The guardian
Strike against Assad regime stalled by British political rows
تعثر ضربة ضد نظام الأسد بسبب الخلافات السياسية البريطانية
Allied air strikes against the Syrian government over the alleged use of chemical weapons could be delayed until next week in the face of strong opposition in the UK parliament to British involvement in immediate military action.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

The guardian
Do you support limited strikes in Syria?
هل تؤيد توجيه ضربات محدودة لسورية
As the UK parliament debates whether Britain should be involved in strikes against the Assad regime in Syria in the Commons on Thursday, renewed efforts have also been made to secure a UN mandate for military action.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the independent
Back from the brink: Labour forces Prime Minister to retreat over military action over Syria

من حافة الهاوية : حزب العمال ورئيس الوزاء يتراجعوا بشأن عمل عسكري على سورية

A brake has been put on British involvement in an immediate military strike against Syria after Labour broke ranks with David Cameron ahead of tonight’s crucial Commons vote.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the telegraph
Syria: Barack Obama says no decision made on strikes

بارك أوباما : لا قرار بشأن الضربات على سورية

Reflecting a hardening US position, Mr Obama said it was clear that "chemical weapons were used in Syria on a large scale against civilian populations" and that the Syrian government was responsible.

The telegraph
Fears of Western strike on Syria spread in Middle East
انتشار مخاوف ضربة غربية على سورية في الشرق الأوسط

UN chief Ban Ki-moon pleaded for more time for diplomacy and to allow UN investigators to complete their work. The experts, wearing flak jackets and helmets, collected blood and urine samples from victims during a visit to at least one of the areas hit in last week's attack.

the washingtonpost
Damascus residents prepare for U.S.-led strike
سكان دمشق يستعدون لشن ضربة بقيادة الولايات المتحدة

BEIRUT — Residents of Damascus shuttered themselves inside their homes, military buildings were evacuated, and soldiers packed up checkpoints on Wednesday as the Syrian capital anxiously awaited a U.S.-led military strike.