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المتابعة الإعلامية للصحف الغربية 3-9-2013


إعداد : قسم الترجمة في مركز الشرق العربي
The guardian
Syria crisis: Vladimir Putin under growing pressure
الأزمة السورية : فلاديمير بوتين تحت ضغوط متزايدة
Vladimir Putin is to be confronted at the G20 summit of world leaders in St Petersburg this week with an array of western intelligence including damning new French evidence directly linking Syrian government forces with a massive and co-ordinated chemical attack on 21 August that led to hundreds of civilian deaths.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي
The guardian
Syria refugee numbers pass 2 million
ارقام اللاجئين السوريين يتجاوز 2 مليون
More than 2 million refugees have fled Syria's civil war, piling pressure on neighbouring host countries, the United Nations has said.
The tide of children, women and men crossing borders has risen almost tenfold over the past 12 months, figures released on Tuesday by the UN refugee agency UNHCR show. On average, almost 5,000 people take refuge in Syria's neighbours every day, according to the report.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي
The guardian
For Syria's sake, end Iran's isolation
من أجل سورية إنهاء عزلة إيران
President Obama's decision to consult Congress before taking any military action against the Syrian government offers a brief opportunity for diplomatic efforts to construct a political settlement. That decision has been welcomed by many in the Middle East, among them the new president of Iran, Hassan Rouhani.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي
the telegraph
Syria's refugee crisis the 'humanitarian calamity' of the century, says UN
الأمم المتحدة : أزمة اللاجئين السوريين في سورية هي أزمة هذا القرن
The number of Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries has reached two million, while a further 4.3 million people have been displaced within the nation's borders. The fighting has been so intense that the number of refugees has increased almost tenfold in a single year, according to the UN.
اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي