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By Zoheir Salem*

Accession to the Chair of authority is not easy

Some of the rulers have the benefit of accession to the chair of authority, and rejoice at the pleasures of it. And they think that ruling people is just ceremony protocols… and a drumming and acclamation by the supporters.

Rulers –of our world- in particular do not perceive in authority the responsibility as many rulers who can keep their chairs do, by their surrounding supporters they think that they gain what they are rejoicing, and escape of history judgment. But history evaluates every ruler by his own acts; history does not get in on the little details, and does not pause by the little victories or achievements. History goes with justice and classifies the rulers as fair and unfair…

Years pass, and the discourse of peace became a discourse of superstition, and Al-Quds( Jerusalem ), the Aqsa Mosque, and Palestine mean nothing to our rulers.

Years pass, and here is the Golan still captured, its land is still occupied, and this means nothing to our rulers. They enjoy their chairs…but the Report of Transparency organization confirms that Syria is still sinking into the mud of corruption. Its rank is 173\180, and year after year it is sinking in the corruption that means stealing the loaf of bread from the worker, the farmer, and the poor; that means stealing the cup of water; that means cheating in the medicine dosage; and means stealing the opportunities from the deserving young and granting them to those who do not deserve them…

Corruption is the fertile farm of terrorism, and is the first motive of emigration from homes…

The charged peoples in our beloved country, Syria tell us that they are achieving victories…

Easy victories are achieved by those who think that accession to the Chair of authority is easy.


*Director of The Arab Orient Center





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