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هي حرب الشرق الأوسط القادمة؟ بقلم:
دافيد ماكوفيسكي واشنطن
بوست - 6/5/2007 إن القصة الحقيقة هي أن مسببات
حرب الصيف الماضي لا تزال
موجودة , وقد تؤدي إلى إحداث
حريق هائل في الشرق الأوسط. The Next Mideast War? By
David Makovsky Thursday,
interim report issued this week by an Israeli
panel that reviewed the decisions leading to the
country's war with Hezbollah last summer may spell doom
for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's leadership. Calls
for his resignation have mounted even within
his own party. However, the real story is that the
causes of last year's war still exist -- and may spark
another conflagration. The
first underlying issue is the failure to enforce U.N.
resolutions. Israel resorted to military action last
July largely because the United Nations and the
international community did nothing to implement U.N.
Security Council Resolution 1559 (passed in 2004) or
Resolution 1680 (passed in 2006), which made clear that
Hezbollah should disband and be disarmed. The
end of the war led to the passage of Security Council
Resolution 1701, which deployed thousands of U.N.
peacekeepers to southern Two
other factors add fuel to the fire. First, Second,
in an eerie echo of the run-up to the 1967 war, On
top of all this, Hamas's approach to a cease-fire in Amid
all these problems, and given Olmert's teetering
position and the Arab League's insistence after its
March summit in Riyadh that its peace plan is a
take-it-or-leave-it proposition, it is hard to believe
that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will succeed in
negotiating a "political horizon" -- namely,
fleshing out guiding principles that would govern a
resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict -- until
the Israeli political situation stabilizes and there is
greater clarity about and a moderate direction to the
Palestinian "unity government." This
situation does not argue for The
writer, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for
Near East Policy, directs the institute's Project on the
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/02/AR2007050202223.html ----------------- نشرنا
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