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العراق صعب جداً بقلم:
رالف بيتر نيويورك
بوست - 14/5/2007 لقد أرسلنا أفضل جيش في العالم,
وأنفقنا مبالغ هائلة من المال. و
بقينا على الطريق. و السؤال
المهم الآن هل سنخسر المعركة
لصالح الهمج أم هل سنتمكن من
الخروج من وسط هذه الفوضى بنجاح.
أين هو الخطأ؟ WHY
strategic errors of the administration, the pernicious
effect of the media and factional hatred within But
the subject presidents, pundits and professors all avoid
is what it would take to win militarily. Because the
answer's ugly. We prefer to sidestep reality in favor of
comfy fantasies that negotiations will persuade
blood-drunk murderers to all just get along. With
the last-ditch troop surge in Even
with the surge, our numbers in But
what we still don't - and won't - have is a constant
presence in the streets. As
one patrol returns, another should be heading out, with
a third roaming the zone to cover the overlap. And
that's the absolute minimum for a one-square-kilometer
area. The
problem in this kind of conflict is that the initiative
inherently lies with the terrorists and insurgents.
We're looking for a limited number of targets: our
enemies themselves. Their targets can be anything - a
clinic, a school, a marketplace, a roadblock, a gas
station or even a mosque. Anything they hit counts as a
win. Our
best shot is to keep them on the run, to keep them off
balance. But crippling their freedom of action requires
that our troops seem to be everywhere at unexpected
times. That takes raw numbers. If,
on the other hand, you let the terrorists and insurgents
set the tempo, you lose both the support of the
population and the war. Executing
such a policy also demands far better intelligence than
we've produced in the past - our tactical intelligence
has improved notably under the stress of war, but we
still have a long way to go. Above
all, we have to maintain a strength of will equal to
that of our opponents. War demands consistency, and
we're the most fickle great power in history. We must
focus on defeating our enemies, brushing aside all other
considerations. At
present, we let those other considerations rule our
behavior: We overreact to media sensationalism (which
our enemies exploit brilliantly); we torment ourselves
over the least mistakes our troops make; we delude
ourselves that mass murderers have rights; we take
prisoners knowing they'll be freed to kill more
Americans - and the politicians and Green Zone generals
alike pretend that "it's not whether you win or
lose, it's how you play the game." That's
the biggest lie ever told by a human being who wasn't a
member of Congress. Winning
is everything. Fighting ruthlessly may not please the
safe-at-home moralists, but it's losing that's immoral. Consider
just one of the many issues about which we're
insistently naive and hypocritical: torture. Earlier
this month, our Army released the results of an
internally initiated survey of soldiers and Marines in The
media were, of course, appalled. I was shocked, too -
surprised that so few of our troops would condone any
action that kept their comrades alive. Torturing
prisoners should never be our policy, both because it's
immoral and because it's usually ineffective. But it's
madness to declare that there can never be exceptions. Forget
the argument about the "ticking bomb" and the
terrorist who might have information that could save
numerous lives. Let's make it personal. Whether
you're left, right or in between, ask yourself this
yes-or-no question: If torturing a known terrorist would
save the life of the person you love most in the world,
would you approve it? If
your answer is "no," you're not a moral
paragon. You're an abomination. And please make your
position clear to your husband or wife, mother or
father, son or daughter. Just tell 'em, "Sorry,
honey, but I'd rather see you dead than mistreat a
terrorist. It's a moral issue with me." There
are countless other ways in which we elevate the little
immoralities required in war above the supreme
immorality of losing. Leftists loved And
no one on the left will discuss what might happen if we
fail in We
face merciless, implacable enemies who joyously
slaughter the innocent with the zeal of religious
fanaticism. Yet we want to make sure we don't hurt
anyone's feelings. We've
tried many things in Ralph
Peters' most recent book is "Never Quit The
Fight." http://www.nypost.com/php/pfriendly/print.php?url=http://www.nypost.com/seven/05142007/ postopinion/opedcolumnists/why_iraqs_so_hard_opedcolumnists_ralph_peters.htm ----------------- نشرنا
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