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تتمنى سوريا نشر الفوضى في
لبنان الآن؟ بقلم:
جوناثان سباير جاروزاليم
بوست - 21/5/2007 من المعروف أن النظام السوري
مصمم على منع إقامة المحكمة
الدولية بأي ثمن, لأن شخصيات
رفيعة المستوى من النظام متهمة
بالتورط في حادثة الاغتيال Analysis:
Why might Syria wish to sow chaos in Lebanon now? Thirty
eight people lost their lives on Sunday in fierce
fighting between the Lebanese military and Sunni
jihadist operatives near the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian
refugee camp, close to the northern Lebanese city of
Tripoli. This outbreak of violence represents the
heaviest toll in intra-Lebanese violence since the
conclusion of the Lebanese civil war of 1975-90. The
events in Nahr al-Bared cast light on a side of the
Lebanese crisis which has until now been largely ignored
by the international media. This is the emergence in
recent months of an organization of armed Sunni Islamist
operatives in the largely-Sunni north of the country. So
far, much of the coverage has suggested that the group
in question, known as Fatah
al-Islam, may be linked to the al-Qaida network.
Nevertheless, informed opinion suggests caution before
drawing the simple conclusion that Fatah al-Islam is
merely Osama bin-Laden's latest local franchise. Fatah
al-Islam is a breakaway of a Syrian-backed Palestinian
organization called Fatah-intifada, which itself split
from the mainstream Palestinian Fatah group in 1983.
Fatah-intifada has little presence outside of the
Palestinian refugee camps of Lebanon
and While
Syrian officials have been keen from the outset to
describe al-Abssi and his group as operating "in
favor of al-Qaida," Lebanese authorities suspect
that the group may in fact be a client of the Syrian
authorities themselves, established to act as an
instrument of policy in Lebanon, fomenting disorder. The
Assad regime has a long history of utilizing terrorist
and paramilitary groups for such a purpose.
Fatah-intifada itself was used by Hafez Assad in a power
struggle with Yassir Arafat in the Suspicions
regarding Fatah al-Islam center on the fact that Shakir
al-Abssi was sentenced in 2003 to three years in prison
in A
draft resolution for the unilateral establishment of an
international tribunal on the murder of former Lebanese
Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri was circulated in the UN
Security Council by the US, France and
Britain last week. It is known that the Syrian regime is
determined to prevent this tribunal at all costs, since
it is believed that senior Syrian officials may be found
to have been involved in the Hariri killing. Could it be
that the regime in Damascus might see an escalation of
tension in Lebanon as currently helpful - as a tacit
reminder to the international community of what Damascus
is capable of when put in a corner? This is the view of
senior officials in Lebanese government, and is in
keeping with earlier practices of the The
writer is a Senior Research Fellow at the Global
Research in International Affairs center, IDC Herzliya http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1178708647313&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull ----------------- نشرنا
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