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الرمز السرطاني و العفن بقلم:
جوزيف مارجوليس لوس
أنجلوس تايمز ان هذا السجن الشاطئي يولد
الإرهاب, ويجب أن يتم غلقه حالاً Gitmo:
A fetid and cancerous symbol The
offshore prison breeds terror; it must be closed now. By
Joseph Margulies, JOSEPH MARGULIES, a law professor at
Northwestern University School of Law, is the author of
"Guantanamo and the Abuse of Presidential
Power" and served as lead counsel in Rasul vs. Bush
before the U. June
apparently unrelated episodes will align to reveal an
important truth. So it is with three events reported in
the last few weeks. The first happened sometime
Wednesday, when another prisoner killed himself at
Guantanamo Bay — the fourth suicide since the base
opened. As is its wont, the military was tight-lipped,
refusing to describe how the prisoner, who was Saudi
Arabian, finally escaped from Cuba. But
we know how these things have happened in the past. Last
year, three prisoners at the base hanged themselves with
strips of knotted cloth ripped from clothing and bed
sheets. Each had a ball of cloth stuffed in his mouth,
apparently to muffle any reflexive choking sounds as he
died. They
left suicide notes that have never been made public. One
of the three prisoners, Yassar Talal al Zahrani, from
Saudi Arabia, was 21 at the time of his death but 17
when he arrived at the base. Another, Mani Shaman Turki
al Habardi al Utaybi, also from Saudi Arabia, had been
designated for release. The Pentagon has refused to say
whether he knew of his pending transfer when he killed
himself. After
the first raft of suicides, the Pentagon vowed there
would be no more and instituted a crackdown, which
summons to mind the sardonic warning "the floggings
will continue until morale improves." Security was
tightened dramatically. Today, most prisoners — even
those cleared for release — are held in a new,
super-maximum security prison. They pass endless hours
locked in concrete cages, removed from the sight, sound
and touch of other human beings. The
administration has concluded that about half of the
prisoners at Guantanamo pose no threat to the U.S. or
its allies. Most of the rest are held based on
admissions they made in countless interrogations over
five years. And that brings us to the second recent
event. On Tuesday, the New York Times reported on a
major study by the Intelligence Science Board, a group
of experts commissioned to advise the U.S. intelligence
community on interrogation practices. For
people who have been following these issues, the
findings were predictable: The aggressive interrogation
techniques adopted by the administration after 9/11 are
"outmoded, amateurish and unreliable," as the
Times put it. They are a relic of a properly discarded
past, abandoned not out of any moral compunction but
because of "a more practical critique":
There's no evidence they work. Dr. Randy Borum, a
Defense Department consultant, noted: "There's an
assumption that often passes for common sense that the
more pain imposed on someone, the more likely they are
to comply." But there is precious little evidence
to back it up. Of
course, most people simply do not care about these
matters. They are as distant as Darfur, as remote as
ancient history. But
in fact they may not be as far removed as they seem,
which brings us to the third event. On May 15, Sir
Richard Dearlove, the former head of MI6, the British
intelligence agency, gave an important speech in London.
Dearlove ran the agency in 1999-2004 and was an early
supporter of the administration's response to 9/11. But
more recently, Dearlove has concluded that it is time
for "a strategic rethink." Our methods have
become counterproductive. Al Qaeda and its viral
offspring are thriving, and the position of Britain and
the U.S. has become "strategically weak." The
problem, according to Dearlove, is that our methods
create more terror than they prevent, and it has become
"easy for Al Qaeda to recruit its foot soldiers." Dearlove
understands what the president does not. Our policies
have given terrorists precious tools to use against us.
We have made potential recruits out of countless Arabs
and Muslims. As our policies persist, their anger grows,
intensifying into a defiant, and increasingly
understandable, rage. This
explains why Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and
Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates have called for the
most enduring symbol of these policies — the prison at
Guantanamo Bay — to be shuttered. They too understand
what the president does not: The prison breeds terror.
It stands as a fetid and cancerous symbol of hubris and
hegemony, a threat not just to the U.S. but to our
closest allies around the world. From
three stories, a single truth — it is past time for
Guantanamo to close. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-margulies2jun02,0,7281595.story?coll=la-opinion-center ----------------- نشرنا
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