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"إلقاء اللوم على العراقيين" بقلم:
روبرت كاغان واشنطن
بوست - 2/6/2007 عندما يريد الناس تبرير ما لا
يبرر و القبول بما لا يمكن قبوله
فإنهم يجربون جميع الطرق التي
تجعلهم يشعرون بالرضا عن
قراراتهم التي اتخذوها The
'Blame The Iraqis' Gambit By
Kagan Sunday,
people want to justify the unjustifiable and accept the
unacceptable, they try all kinds of ways to make
themselves feel better about their decision. For those
who want to pull out of "Bush
lied us into war" is the favorite of many
Democrats, including presidential candidates who
supported the war but now want to claim they were
misled. "Bush screwed up the war" is the
favorite of people such as me and others who argued from
the beginning for more troops and a different military
strategy and were told to shut up by folks in the
Pentagon and the White House. Both
of these excuses have the same problem. No matter why we
went into The
same is true for what has now become the most powerful
and pervasive excuse for pulling out of For
these Republicans, even more than for Democrats, blaming
the Iraqis solves a number of big problems. It absolves
them of having supported the war in the first place. We
were right to go to war, they will say, and we gave it
our best shot. It isn't our fault if the Iraqis were
unable or unwilling to do their part. Blaming
the Iraqis also allows Republicans to acquiesce in
defeat without having to acknowledge that it is an
American defeat. We didn't fail, the Iraqis did. And
blaming the Iraqis clears the American conscience. We
got rid of Saddam Hussein, Republicans will say. The
rest was up to them, and they failed. The more
sophisticated will declare that the Iraqis were
culturally destined to fail. As
with any good cover story, there is just enough truth in
this one to sell it to those who need an excuse. The
Iraqi government has been a disappointment. Sunni and
Shiite leaders don't have an easy time compromising with
one another, as opposed to, say, Democrats and
Republicans in Congress. Sectarian killings continue. It
is what's wrong with this story, however, that makes it
so irresponsible. The fact is that, contrary to so many
predictions, By
far the biggest problem, and the source of most of the
violence reported every day, has been al-Qaeda in Al-Qaeda's
penetration in There
is another problem with the cover story. We didn't
intervene in Republican
leaders think they're being clever in saying that if
there is no progress by September, or by the end of
2008, we will have to wash our hands of the whole mess.
That's nonsense. Defeat will be no more tolerable in
January 2009 than it is now. And it won't matter whom we
try to blame. Robert
Kagan, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace and transatlantic fellow at the
German Marshall Fund, writes a monthly column for The
Post. He has been advising John McCain's presidential
campaign on an informal and unpaid basis. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/01/AR2007060102179.html ----------------- نشرنا
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