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الكبيرة واشنطن
تايمز- 20/6/2007 ان إلقاء مئات الملايين من
الدولارات الإضافية إلى السيد
محمود عباس دون ربط بعض الخيوط
الرئيسة هي مجرد وصفة لفكرة
حمقاء Great
expectations President
Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had a grand
old time on Tuesday, as they talked of ways to transform
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas into something he's
never been: a competent leader who is willing and able
to effectively combat Hamas. Messrs. Olmert and Bush
correctly noted that Mr. Abbas has spoken out in favor
of moderation and had plenty of positive things to say
about the importance of strengthening
"moderates," however defined. Left unexplained
thus far is how to ensure the U.S.-Israeli plan to
bolster Mr. Abbas' Fatah organization by lifting
sanctions, training its army and providing it with
access to hundreds of millions of dollars worth of
frozen tax revenues actually goes to fight terrorism
rather than bolstering it. If
there's one thought that unites Israeli analysts outside
the government, as well as representatives of both Fatah
and Hamas, it's that Hamas operatives in the Messrs.
Bush and Olmert hope that by strengthening Fatah
security forces, they can prevent this from happening.
But Fatah's performance thus far is hardly encouraging
on that score. Last week in http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070621/EDITORIAL/106210012 ----------------- نشرنا
لهذه المقالات لا يعني أنها
تعبر عن وجهة نظر المركز كلياً
أو جزئياً
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من حق الزائر الكريم أن ينقل وأن ينشر كل ما يعجبه من موقعنا . معزواً إلينا ، أو غير معزو .ـ |