


مركز الشرق العربي للدراسات الحضارية والاستراتيجية

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أضف موقعنا لمفضلتك ابحث في الموقع الرئيسة المدير المسؤول : زهير سالم

الخميس 05/07/2007

أرسل بريدك الإلكتروني ليصل إليك جديدنا




أرشيف الموقع حتى 31 - 05 - 2004

ابحث في الموقع

أرسل مشاركة


وقود لحرب لبنان القادمة


نيويورك تايمز - 29/6/2007

يبدو أن السيد بشار الأسد على قناعة بأن نفوذ سوريا الدولي سوف يتعزز من خلال حزب الله المسلح تسليحاً جيداً ومن خلال عدم قدرة لبنان فرض السيطرة على حدوده . ان على مجلس الأمن أن يستجمع قواه لإخبار السيد بشار بأنه مخطأ في اعتقاده هذا.


Fuel for Lebanon ’s Next War

Published: June 29, 2007

If another war between Lebanon and Israel is to be prevented, the traffic of Hezbollah arms and fighters across the Syrian-Lebanese border must be stopped. That’s been clear since the last round of fighting ended nine months ago and the job of monitoring the border went to the Lebanese Army, backed up by an expanded United Nations force.

But as an alarming report to the Security Council made clear this week, that flow of deadly arms continues unimpeded. To let things go on this way is to accept the inevitability of another, devastating war. The Security Council, whose main job is supposed to be preventing wars, needs to move quickly to help Lebanon control its border, and it needs to pressure Syria into finally cooperating.

Last month, the U.N. sent a team to Lebanon to investigate border security and to recommend ways to improve it. Their report was devastating, noting that there had not been a single seizure of arms. The problem was not any lack of will on the part of Lebanese military forces to stop an arms flow that clearly undermines their country’s security.

Their failure stems from their lack of skills, resources and experience in patrolling a border that really wasn’t a border during the long decades in which Syrian troops occupied Lebanon .

There are some obvious steps that could improve the situation, according to the U.N. report. The Lebanese government needs to send better-organized forces to the border and improve its intelligence-gathering capabilities. The European countries that have taken the lead in the U.N. peacekeeping force should be providing up-to-date computers and relevant training courses and lending international border security and intelligence experts.

That still leaves what is surely the most crucial need: cooperation rather than mischief from the Syrian side. Ever since Damascus pulled its troops back home — in the wake of the almost certainly Syrian-ordered assassination of Rafik Hariri, the former prime minister — Syria ’s president, Bashar al-Assad, has seemed determined to prevent Lebanon from reclaiming its full sovereignty.

Mr. Assad seems to believe that Syria ’s international clout is strengthened by a well-armed Hezbollah and a Lebanon unable to control its borders. The Security Council needs to summon the will to convince him that he is wrong.



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