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السورية – الإيرانية للسياسيين
في لبنان بقلم:
وليد فارس نيو
ميديا جورنال بعد انسحاب القوات السورية
العادية من لبنان عام 2005 قام
بشار الأسد وحلفاؤه في طهران
بالتخطيط لهجوم
مضاد على لبنان هدفه تقويض ثورة
الأرز. Syro-Iranian
Massacre of Politicians in Lebanon Terrorism
Dr. Walid Phares June
16, 2007 With
the assassination of Lebanese MP Jebran Tueni in
December 2006, months after the murder of political
leaders George Hawi and Samir Qassir during the summer,
the Syro-Iranian terror war room had opened a bloody
hunt against the democratically elected Lebanese
Parliament. After
the withdrawal of regular Syrian forces from Lebanon in
April 2005, Bashar Assad and his allies in Tehran
designed a counter offensive (which we described then
and later) aiming at crumbling the Cedars Revolution.
One of the main components of this strategy was (and
remain) to use all intelligence and security assets of As
incredibly barbaric as it seems in the West, the
genocide of the legislators in And
to "achieve" these goals, the junta in The
"reduction" –both physical and political- of
the Lebanese Parliamentary majority began as soon as the
assembly was elected in the spring of 2005. The Lebanese
opposition to Assad and Hezbollah got originally 72
seats out of the 128 members, a comfortable majority to
resume the "liberation" of the country from
occupation and Terrorism. In December of 2006 a car bomb
kills MP Jebran Tueni bringing the majority to 71.
Though he is quickly replaced by his father Ghassan, the
latter’s old age and unwillingness to pursue the same
anti-Terrorist activism is a negative in the big battle.
In January 2006 a majority-MP What
can be done to stop the legislators’ massacre in The
UN Security Council, under resolutions 1559 and 1701
should intervene massively by ordering and overseeing
the following steps: a)
Put all remaining 68 MPs under direct international
protection. A special international security force
should be dispatched to b)
Ask the Lebanese Government of Mr Seniora to organize
the appropriate legislative elections in the districts
of Matn and c)
Ask the Lebanese Parliament to elect a new President
during the constitutional period beginning in August and
escort the 68 endangered MPs (plus the two newly elected
ones) to the location of the Presidential elections and
provide security during the voting process. By
doing so, the UNSC would be implementing its own
resolutions, fulfilling the democratic process in Dr
Walid Phares is the Director of Future Terrorism Project
at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in
Washington, a visiting scholar at the European
Foundation for Democracy and the author of the War of
Ideas. Dr Phares was one of the architects of UNSCR
1559. He is also a Professor of http://www.newmediajournal.us/staff/w_phares/06162007.htm ----------------- نشرنا
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