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انتصار حماس قد يشكل فرصة
لإسرائيل بقلم:
كالفن بن دافيد جاروزاليم
بوست - 13/6/2007 على الرغم من النظرة
الإسرائيلية لانتصار
حماس في قطاع غزة بشئ من خيبة
الأمل, و لكن هذه السيطرة من قبل
حماس على القطاع بشكل كامل قد لا
تكون سيئة بالطريقة التي نخشاها.
بل قد تشكل في الحقيقة أفضل
الفرص التي مرت علينا خلال
العديد من السنوات من أجل كسر
الجمود السياسي عبر السماح بخلق
عنوان واحد فعال في الضفة
الغربية تستطيع إسرائيل أن تروج
من خلاله لعمليتها السياسية. Analysis: Hamas victory
could be an opportunity for Israel Despite
Israel's natural inclination to view Hamas's
military victory over Fatah forces in Gaza with despair,
the movement's complete control over the Gaza Strip
might not be as bad as we fear. In fact, it may offer
the best opportunity in years to break the current
political stalemate by facilitating the creation of an
effective address in the Since
2000, the biggest obstacle to any progress between But
the reform became an even greater constitutional
millstone round the Palestinian political system's neck
after Arafat's death and Hamas's victory in the
Palestinian Legislative Council elections
in January 2006. The
reform led to constitutional dysfunction due to
overlapping powers of the chairman (Fatah's
Mahmoud Abbas) and the government, controlled by Hamas. With
no legal way out of this crisis until the next
Palestinian Authority elections in 2010, Now,
Hamas's disregard for the PA constitution in carrying
out a military coup could work in This
new scenario would, in effect, create two separate
political-territorial units alongside Instead
of While
no one would celebrate the official presence of a
Hamastan a few kilometers from Sderot, the new situation
would nevertheless provide opportunities. The de facto
division between In
this context, For
its part, Hamas may find that its victory over Fatah is
only the beginning of its problems. The group will need
to deal with a hostile international community, tension
with We
shouldn't expect the way ahead to be easy or that we're
on the verge of a Swiss-style utopian peace. Hamas isn't
disappearing any time soon, Fatah members haven't
suddenly turned into card-carrying Zionists, and Israeli
society's ability for extensive territorial compromise
is yet to be fully tested. But
if we want to maintain Recent
events in Calev
Ben Dor is an analyst at the Reut Institute. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1181570268695&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull ----------------- نشرنا
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