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لن ننتصر في حربنا على الإرهاب بقلم:
مايكل هيرش نيوزويك
- 15/3/2007 إن قضية "خالد شيخ محمد"
تظهر لنا بوضوح ما هو الخطأ في
طريقة إدارة الحكومة
الأمريكية للحرب على الإرهاب, و
كيف يمكن للرئيس القادم أن يقدم
أفضل من ذلك How
Not to Win the War on Terror The KSM
case points up what’s wrong with the way the Bush
administration fights terrorism. How the next president
can do better. By
Michael Hirsh Newsweek
2:14 p.m. ET
March 15, 2007
March 15,
2007 - The abrupt reappearance of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
(KSM)—and his brazen comparison of himself to George
Washington—four years after the alleged 9/11
mastermind was captured in
Pakistan should
provoke some serious self-examination in the minds of
Americans. The first question we need to ask ourselves
is: does the Bush administration have any clue any
longer how to fight the “war on terror” legally? The
next question should be: can’t our next president,
whoever he or she turns out to be, do any better than
this? Let’s
hope so. Because if there is even a shadow of a doubt
that the United States is losing the battle for hearts
and minds to the self-confessed murderer of 3,000
people—that would be KSM—then something is very
wrong. Let’s get one thing straight: despite his
touching claim that he doesn’t like to kill
“kids,” KSM is a very bad man. Most people frankly
wouldn’t have much of a problem if he were
waterboarded or beaten to an inch of his life in a dark
room somewhere—which is almost certainly what happened
to him in one of the CIA’s secret prisons. But the
fact that four years to the month after he was
Islamabad in
March 2003—KSM is just beginning the process of being
deemed an “enemy combatant” at the “Combatant
Status Review Tribunal Hearing” at
Guantanamo Bay
shows that something is indeed very wrong. The
Bush administration has argued, with some legitimacy,
that this is a new kind of war in which new rules are
needed. Fair enough. But should it really require all
this time, such a complicated series of court decisions
and legislative maneuverings, to decide what those rules
are? The
issue that the administration confronted after 9/11 was
what to do with evil people like KSM. The Bush team
decided that this was a war rather than a criminal
matter—and a war unlike any other. Therefore, none of
the previous rules of war, like the Geneva Conventions
protections, applied, in their view. That left culprits
like KSM in a legal limbo for four years while they were
ferried around to secret prisons, long after their
intelligence value had been milked dry (a process that
by the estimate of most interrogators should take no
longer than a year). Even some CIA officials were
privately upset by this, fearing that the agency would
be the fall guy in the end (they were right).
“Where’s the off button?” one retired CIA official
said to me two years ago, in February 2005, before the
military tribunals that KSM and others are being judged
at—at long last—were created. Lawyers for the agency
“asked the White House for direction on how to dispose
of these detainees back when they asked for
[interrogation] guidance. The answer was, ‘We’ll
worry about that later.’ Now, we don’t know what to
do with these guys.” John
Sifton of Human Rights Watch says the case of KSM and
other key detainees—as well as some who are likely
innocent—shows that the Bush administration has simply
never defined what kind of enemy KSM is. Sifton adds:
“This really is an example of how the war paradigm for
counterterrorism—that it is only armed conflict—has
backfired. Now we have a man comparing himself to George
Washington. It might have been more appropriate to just
call him a criminal and indict him in federal court, to
say, ‘You’re no warrior, you’re no George
Washington. You, sir, are a criminal'.” Scott
Horton, another prominent human-rights attorney, agrees.
Had the case been handled properly, KSM’s confession
to plotting 9/11 and many other actual or planned terror
acts could have made him a “showcase defendant” for
America ’s
cause, rallying support and allies around the world.
“He could have been charged within six months of his
detention and prosecuted in a proceeding, which would
have added to the reputation of our country for
justice,” says Horton, “and would have supported the
righteousness of the cause of going after KSM.” Instead,
the legal black hole is only getting deeper. The
transcript released Wednesday night indicates that
KSM’s references to his previous treatment are all
carefully redacted. Sifton and others say the redactions
clearly indicate that KSM was referring to his secret
interrogations—during which he might well have been
physically abused. The question of whether such
dubiously extracted testimony could be used in any legal
proceeding will probably prolong his case for years to
come. (Once KSM is determined to be an enemy combatant,
he is expected to be tried.) Sifton
notes, accurately, that the administration has been
wildly inconsistent over the past six years. Some terror
suspects are held without recourse to habeas corpus at
Gitmo; others have been prosecuted in the
U.S. courts.
In one case involving a Pakistani father and son living
in New
York ,
Saifullah and Uzair Paracha, the two have been treated
completely differently. “The young Paracha is in
federal prison. The older is at Gitmo,” said Sifton.
(The father, Saifullah, was arrested in Bangkok; his son
in the United States, both on suspicion of agreeing to
help an Al Qaeda operative sneak into the United States
to carry out a chemical attack.) “There are no
principles guiding this. It would be fine if the “war
on terror” were just a metaphor, but it’s not,”
says Sifton. Now
America finds
itself with too few allies in fighting the war on
terror, often reviled abroad for its inattention to its
own standards of justice. Worse,
Washington is
sometimes identified with the terrorists themselves in
the minds of some people around the world. Why? Perhaps
KSM said it best in his broken English at his hearing.
“Same language you use, I use,” he said. The
Americans, he declared in his rambling statement,
“said every law, they have exceptions, this is your
bad luck you been part of the exception of our laws …
But we are doing same language … Never Islam give me
green light to kill peoples. Killing, as in the
Christianity, Jews, and Islam, are prohibited. But there
are exceptions of rule when you are killing people of
Iraq .”
“Same language you use, I use.” This, more than
anything, is an indictment of the way the Bush
administration has conducted this fight since 9/11. To
paraphrase Thomas More in “A Man for All Seasons,”
if we cut down all the laws to get at the devil—as the
administration has done against Al Qaeda—then we will
find ourselves without protection. This legal and
conceptual void has cost
America its
high moral ground—ground that was so hard-won through
so many honorably fought wars (with lonely exceptions
like My Lai
) during our history. The
Bush administration has maintained from the outset that
it could give no quarter to the terrorists, and that
unusual methods were required to extract information
from suspects in order to pre-empt another attack. But
now, by letting KSM and others remain in legal limbo and
gradually expanding his definition of the war on terror
to include all Islamic “extremists”—among them
Hezbollah and Hamas—President Bush may have condemned
us to a permanent war. A war in which we are, again,
waging an uncomfortably lonely fight, since almost no
other country agrees on such a broadly defined enemy. The
next American president will be well advised to replace
the “war on terror” with the kind of coordinated
effort that the fight always should have entailed. In
other words, the hunt for the culprits of 9/11 was never
simply a war or a criminal manhunt. It was always both,
a hybrid covert-war-and-criminal roundup—one in which
clear legal rules should have been set to brand
terrorists like KSM as outlaws in the international
system. The Geneva Conventions should have been applied;
suspects should have had lawyers; cruel, inhuman and
degrading treatment should have been expressly
prohibited. Only if the next president sets the rules
more clearly and does a better job of discriminating who
the enemy is can we have any hope of winning. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17630160/site/newsweek/page/2/ ----------------- نشرنا
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