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أضف موقعنا لمفضلتك ابحث في الموقع الرئيسة المدير المسؤول : زهير سالم

الخميس 13/12/2012

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أرشيف الموقع حتى 31 - 05 - 2004

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أبرز عناوين الصحف البريطانية والأمريكية 

عن الشأن السوري

ليوم 11-12-2012

((المعرفة تنير موقفا))

إعداد : قسم المتابعة الإعلامية للصحف الغربية - مركز الشرق العربي

الصحف والمجلات البريطانية والامريكية


تصدر موضوع تصنيف جبهة النصرة من الجماعات الارهابية ووضعها في القائمة السوداء الصحف الغربية فيما يخص الشأن السوري بتاريخ 11/12/2012 فكتبت صحيفة الغاردين :

 The guardian


US blacklists Syria's al-Nusra Front as terrorist group

الامم المتحدة تضع جبهة النصرة السورية في مقدمة القائمة السوداء كجماعة ارهابية

The Obama administration has declared one of the Syrian resistance groups an al-Qaida front, as part of a gradual move by the US towards recognition of more moderate elements of the opposition.

The State Department said the al-Nusra Front for the People of the Levant, which is taking part in the fight on the ground against president Bashar al-Assad, is an alias for al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI), and designated it as a "foreign terrorist organisation". The Obama administration said that AQI has been supplying money, weapons and manpower to the al-Nusra Front.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي




ونشرت السي ان ان :


U.S. branding of al-Nusra as terrorists may have unintended consequences

الولايات المتحدة تصنيف النصرة بانهم ارهابيون قد يكون له عواقب غير مقصودة


Aleppo, Syria (CNN) -- In designating the al-Nusra Front as a foreign terrorist organization and an offshoot of al Qaeda in Iraq, the U.S. State Department has put flesh on the bones of its policy of discriminating between the "bad" Syrian rebels and the "good" ones. But the decision is getting mixed reviews in Syria.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

وكتبت صحيفة الكرستيان سينس :

the christian science monitor

US draws line in Syria: aligns with moderate rebels, labels others terrorists

الولايات المتحدة ترسم خطا في سوريا : ينسجم مع المتمردين المعتدلين وتسميات أخرى للإرهابين

Increasingly alarmed by the rise of extremists in a teetering Syria, the United States is taking a series of steps this week that it hopes will bolster the moderate political and militant forces battling the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.


اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي





وعلى مستوى آخر جاء موضوع مساعدة الثوار في المرتبة الثانية فكتبت الغاردين  :

The guardian

Syrian rebels to take step towards legitimacy with aid plan

المتمردون السوريون يأخذون خطوة باتجاه مشروعيتهم مع خطة المساعدات

The leaders of Syria's western-backed opposition are to unveil plans on Wednesday to rapidly move hundreds of millions of dollars worth of humanitarian aid into the most deprived areas of the country.

The announcement, hailed as a watershed moment for the movement, will be made at the Friends of Syria summit in Marrakech attended by regional and western backers of the opposition.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي




وكتبت الغاردين أيضا :

The guardian

Army's plans to support Syrian rebels

خطط الجيش لدعم المتمردين السوريين

Britain's military chiefs have drawn up contingency plans to provide Syrian rebels with maritime, and possibly air, power in response to a request from David Cameron, senior defence sources said on Monday night.

However, they said the UK would act only if the US did so and made it clear that British chiefs of staffs are seriously worried about the consequences of intervening in the Syrian crisis.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي


وكتبت الانديبندت :

the independent

Exclusive: UK military in talks to help Syria rebels

حصريا : المملكة المتحدة العسكرية في محادثات لمساعدة المتمردين السوريين

A plan to provide military training to the Syrian rebels fighting the Assad regime and support them with air and naval power is being drawn up by an international coalition including Britain, The Independent has learnt.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

وكتبت الانديبندت أيضا :

the independent

They make promises but nothing happens': Syrian rebels urge western backers to urgently intervene against Assad

هم يقدمون وعودا ولكن لا شيء يحدث : المتمردون السوريون يستعجلون المساندة الاجنبية للتدخل العاجل ضد الأسد


Syria's rebels fighters have urged their Western backers to speed up plans to help them against the Assad regime, claiming that the delay in doing so is leading to setbacks, at great cost.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

وعلى مستوى ثالث جاء موضوع عن الأسلحة الكيميائية وتدني عمل  الجيش والمخابرات في سوريا في الدرجة الثالثة فكتبت السي بي اس نيوز :


Panetta: Syria chemical weapons intelligence has "leveled off"

بانتيا : سوريا الأسلحة الكيميائية وعمل المخابرات في تدني

The Obama administration Tuesday appeared to temper its recent assertions that the Syrian government may be preparing to use chemical weapons, with Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta telling reporters the relevant intelligence had "really kind of leveled off.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

وكتبت الانديبندت :

the independent

Fear and loathing of Syria's fallen soldiers

الخوف والكراهية لسقوط جنود سوريا


A month ago Lieutenant Kutaiba Hassan, a career officer in the Syrian army, led his squad of soldiers into an apartment bloc in south Damascus where they had received a tip-off that insurgents were hiding on the fourth floor

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي





وتضمنت الصحف عناوين أخرى متنوعة كانتصارات المتمردين . وتهميش المعارضة للتطرف . ورغبة كاميرون في مساعدة سوريا :

The guardian

Cameron's urge 'to do something' in Syria resisted by defence staff

رغبة كاميرون لعمل شيء في سوريا تمت مقاومته من قبل رجال الدفاع

To say there is a rift is probably putting it too strongly. But is Downing Street on the same page as the military when they talk about Syria? No, it isn't.

The fact that General Sir David Richards, chief of defence staff, has been drawing up contingency plans to provide Syrian rebels with maritime and possible air support should not be seen as an appetite within the Ministry of Defence to get involved.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي


the wall street journal

Syrian Rebels Capture Part of Military Base

المتمردون السوريون يستولون على جزء من القاعدة العسكرية

BEIRUT—Rebels captured part of a sprawling Syrian army base outside the embattled northern city of Aleppo, tightening the opposition's grip on areas close to the Turkish border, activists said.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي


the wall street journal

Syrian Opposition's Allies Look to Sideline Radicals

حلفاء المعارضة السورية يخططون لتهميش المتطرفين

BEIRUT—International allies of the Syrian opposition will gather Wednesday in a meeting that will gauge whether the rebels, who are pushing toward a decisive confrontation in the capital, and their backers can capitalize on fighters' recent momentum while sidelining extremist groups responsible for some of those gains


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