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أضف موقعنا لمفضلتك ابحث في الموقع الرئيسة المدير المسؤول : زهير سالم

السبت 30/03/2013

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أرشيف الموقع حتى 31 - 05 - 2004

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المتابعة الإعلامية للصحف الغربية


إعداد : قسم الترجمة في مركز الشرق العربي

The telegraph

Kofi Annan claims it is too late for outside intervention in Syria

كوفي عنان يدعي فوات الأوان لتدخل الخارجي في سورية

Mr Annan said he believed that Western powers had left it too late to intervene effectively in the situation. "I don't see a military intervention in Syria. We left it too late. I'm not sure it would not do more harm," he told the Graduate Institute in Geneva on Tuesday night.

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The telegraph

Samantha Cameron visits Syrian refugees on her first solo foreign trip

سامانثا كاميرون يزور اللاجئين السوريين في أول رحلة اجنبية منفردا

In her first solo foreign trip, Mrs Cameron visited refugees in the Bekaa Valley, in the north of Lebanon, and met victims of the ongoing conflict in Syria.

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The telegraph

Syria: 'up to 100' British Muslims fighting in war

سورية : ما يصل لمئة بريطاني مسلم يحاربون في الحرب

There are “hundreds” of Europeans now fighting in Syria, some of whom are with groups linked to al Qaeda, the Home Office told MPs.

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real clear politics

Obama's Pragmatic Approach

أوباما يتبع نهج علمي

WASHINGTON -- Here's the coldblooded calculation at work as President Obama shapes his foreign policy agenda: If he took "full ownership" of the Syria problem through direct military intervention, that's probably all he could accomplish during his second term -- and even then, he might fail in reconciling that country's feuding sects.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the los angeles times

McManus: Inching toward Syria

مكمانوس : الزحف اتجاه سورية

Military intervention in the Muslim world seems to bring the United States nothing but grief. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya: None looks much like a success story now.Yet the Obama administration is edging reluctantly into a civil war in Syria, aiding rebels who are fighting to overthrow the brutal regime of Bashar Assad.

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real clear world

Why Europe Must Take the Lead in Syria

لماذا يتعين على اوروبا ان تأخذ زمام المبادرة في سورية

The Bosnian civil war lasted more than three years until in 1995 an American-led coalition of the willing ended the mass killing. Another NATO intervention ended the Kosovo war in 1999. In both cases, Russia had blocked attempts to reach a diplomatic solution, forcing the US and Europe to act without the blessing of the UN Security Council.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the washingtonpost

Syrian conflict’s impact is felt across border in Iraq

الصراع السوري يرى أثره عبر الحدود في العراق

BAGHDAD — Syria’s civil war is increasingly threatening to destabilize neighboring Iraq, widening a sectarian divide in a nation still reeling from the messy aftermath of the U.S.-led invasion a decade ago.

اقرأ المزيد في الرابط التالي

the washingtonpost

Officials: Weapons supplies to Syrian rebels increase dramatically before a push on Damascus

مسئولون : امدادات الاسلحة للثوار السوريين تزيد بشكل كبير قبل التحرك نحو دمشق

AMMAN, Jordan — Mideast powers opposed to President Bashar Assad have dramatically stepped up weapons supplies to Syrian rebels in coordination with the U.S. in preparation for a push on the capital of Damascus, officials and Western military experts said Wednesday.

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the christian science monitor

Russia backs Syria, firmly, as UN prepares chemical weapons probe

روسيا تدعم سورية بشدة كما تستعد الامم المتحدة للتحقيق بشأن الأسلحة الكيميائية

Russia is laying to rest any thoughts that its support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad might be wavering: It is championing the Assad regime’s position in a United Nations probe of alleged chemical weapons use in the Syria conflict, and blasting as “illegal” the official recognition of the Syrian opposition by some countries.

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Syrian opposition opens embassy in Qatar

المعارضة السورية تفتح سفارة في قطر

(CNN) -- Syria's opposition opened an embassy Wednesday in Doha, Qatar, a day after Arab League representatives meeting there allowed the rebels to take Syria's seat at the summit.

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